For countless Northwest Arkansas residents, Sunday, May 26, 2024, will be among those dates they will always remember as knowing exactly where they were and precisely what they were doing. It was in the early morning hours that day, that massive winds whipping upwards of 165 mph from an EF3 tornado forever changed lives and the landscape throughout an entire four-county area. With the rising of the sun, words like heartbreaking, devastating, shocking, and soul crushing emerged as neighborhood after neighborhood of damaged homes and businesses demolished by the block-full became all too visible. To no one’s surprise, in the days and weeks that have since followed, the NW Arkansas community have banded together showing phenomenal resilience as...
For those of a certain age, the lyrics to Nat King Cole’s “Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” surely brings a smile to the face.
For those of less than a certain age however, those same lyrics might well bring a quizzical look to the face...
In 1924, recycling in the US began as a frugal way to conserve resources, mainly scrap metal, paper, and glass, due to scarcity. Individuals and small businesses led the effort, with scrap metal dominating at 70% recycling rate, followed by paper (20%), and glass (5%). This marked the humble beginnings of a movement that would evolve into a global environmental effort over the next 100 years.
“It was such a pleasure to sink one's hands into the warm earth, to feel at one's fingertips the possibilities of the new season.” ― Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden Throughout March and April, we’ve been offering a 5-gallon compost pickup service every Saturday morning from 9 to 11. We started offering this for the simple reason several local master gardener groups wouldn’t take no for an answer. And good thing they didn’t because it’s been such a pleasure to meet so many area gardeners and talk to them about their plans for the season. As a lifetime gardener myself, I know well that hope springs eternal—especially every Spring! Throughout these conversations, I’ve heard many, many vegetable gardeners voice their...