Food Waste Pickup
Get smiling, your food waste solution is here. Ready to start, get a quote now!
At Food Loops, we disrupt the typical path of food waste to landfill and restore the food waste system back to its natural state: a loop.
We have partnered with Food Recycling Solutions so hauling food waste is easy, professional, and sustainable!

We offer restaurants, hotels, and schools the option of positive end use for their waste. Food Loops converts the waste to usable, microbially-rich liquid/solid compost and fertilizers. These sustainably sourced and organic products are then sold to local farmers, growers, and landscapers.
We have partnered with Food Recycling Solutions to haul our food waste. Check their page out here.
Currently, 30-40% of all food produced ends up in a landfill. In landfills, food waste produces a harmful greenhouse gas called methane (30x more potent than CO2). Our business offers an alternative source of disposal to landfills where we divert food waste from the landfill and convert it back into compost and fertilizer, which we affectionately call plant food. Furthermore, it is a methane-free process.