What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’ve been back at school and the holiday break has come to an end. Now I would never admit this to my parents, but back in the day, I was always ready to get back to school and see all my friends. I mean, there’s only so many get togethers, old movies, and playing with your new stuff a person can do before it’s time to get back to regular routine. Being a western Kansas farm guy, I didn’t even mind going back out in the cold.
So have you come up with that one thing that can instantly make your day better?
At this stage in life, I’ve found that among the top 3 or 4 things on my list includes talking live with customers, my staff, and our associates and partners about the coming year. Turns out, I’m not the only one ready to get back to work. I learned my lesson back in November when scheduling end-of-year meetings to leave a little space on the calendar for folks who were likeminded. As in, folks who were also looking ahead to ’23 and wanting to get a solid start. With live meetings again possible, I had to remember things like actually driving to a meeting isn’t quite like bounding into my home office and hopping online for a virtual meeting. And without Scotty to beam me from place to place, I also needed to factor in a little time between meetings as traffic is now also back 😊
Not sure if you’ve experienced anything similar, but from where I sit, people are optimistic about what can be accomplished this year. There don’t seem to be nearly as many obstacles in the way and folks continue to look for ways to live, work, and play more sustainably.
If we haven’t spoken in a while, please feel free to reach out and make my day. If we have yet to meet but you would like to, call me at 479-621-5642 to discuss what we can work on together. I’m confident we can make each other’s day instantly better.