Well we’ve made it to June, and we’re starting to wrap up the strawberry season, so it’s time to get off those tired knees and get ready for one of my favorite seasons. That’s right—blueberry picking time.
There’s nothing like waking at the crack of dawn and getting dressed to then be greeted by the heavy dew on the grass lining the rows of those beautiful, luscious, blueberries glistening under the morning sun.
After quickly checking in and tying that familiar old plastic bucket around our waist, you head down to find the perfect bush filled with those wonderful berries you think were grown just for you. It’s music to our ears hearing the berries making that first thump in the bottom of the bucket, wondering how long it will take to fill that first gallon. Recognizing that you’re contributing to the overall sustainability of a picking farm doesn’t hurt either.
For entertainment, there’s always the voices of children and their parents echoing between the rows as they call out to each other having fun. Or two old friends as they reminisce about their lives. Different stories about life events are told as the picking continues because the process gives people time to reflect.
But not me. I go about my task of picking three berries and eating one. There’s just something so nice about finding that dark, plump, berry in the middle of a bush someone else passed by. Knowing that high grade, organic, compost and fertilizer like the type Food Loops produces is vital to the growing of such prize produce is also a very good thing.
Yes, I know this may sound like simple entertainment, but in my opinion, being outside in nature is the best place to be. In fact, I can’t wait until my grandchildren are old enough to come with me to experience this wonderful picking time just like I did when I was young.
These times in nature are priceless. They connect to my passion for helping others understand we can all make a difference through striving for a more sustainable environment by helping to save our natural resources—one freshly picked blueberry bucket at a time.