Folks, let me tell you, we tried. We really did. We gave paper straws a chance. We thought they'd be great—they're supposed to save the oceans, save the turtles, save the world. But guess what? They can't even save our drinks! They’re a disaster, a total disaster.
You take a sip of your drink, and what happens? It's like drinking through a piece of wet cardboard. Who wants that? Nobody, that’s who. It's terrible! You have big, beautiful, cold drinks, and the straw disintegrates before your eyes. It’s weak folks, I’m telling you, very weak.
And the taste? It’s like you’re licking a tree. If you wanted wood flavor, you’d chew on a toothpick. Believe me. We’re here to enjoy our drinks, not get a side of pulp with every sip. It’s just wrong!
However, we all still want to be environmentally friendly, yes? We most certainly do. It’s very important. But paper straws? They're not the answer. They’re supposed to last the whole drink, but they don’t even last five minutes. You’d need a dozen of them just to get through one slushie. Is that saving the planet? I don’t think so.
And don’t even get me started about how they look. Paper straws get soggy, they collapse, and they ruin your Instagram shots. You're trying to take a nice photo of your drink, and there it is, a sad, soggy, pathetic straw. It's not working, folks. It’s not.
So, here’s what we’re going to do: we're going to bring back plastic PLA straws. That's right. Good, strong, reliable PLA plastic straws that don’t melt in your drink, don’t ruin the taste, and don’t fall apart.
Now before you get all up at arms that these are plastic straws, keep in mind these aren’t your old school plastic straws. No sir, not by a long shot. PLA straws are made from compostable materials (think: sugar or corn) which when properly collected, go to a commercial composting sight right alongside other organics such as food waste where they’re processed into a nutrient-rich, natural compost.
That’s right. No more straws going to the landfill where they sit and pile up—literally and figuratively—for years upon years. Instead, they’re processed into compost to be ready to use when you go to plant your garden, or your neighbor plants their garden, or you just want to feed your shrubs and trees.
So yes indeed, we’re going to have beautiful drinks again. Big, beautiful, drinks with straws that last. We’re going to go back to what works because, let’s face it, paper straws just aren’t cutting it. We’re going to find real solutions and return to enjoying our beverages the way they were meant to me enjoyed.
And nowhere better to do just that than to check out the wide variety of PLA straws the good folks at Food Loops have to offer. Pop over to and see firsthand their big, beautiful assortment of both unwrapped or individually wrapped, PLA straws ranging from 7.75 inches to 9.5 inches for the tallest of tall, cold drinks.
Better yet, call Tom Rohr at 479-621-5642, or email him at and let him tell you all about Food Loops’ full line of beautiful compostables, including their PLA straws. Your drinks, your tastebuds, and your local landfill will thank you!